International Trade Consultancy: Trade remedy measures
International Trade Consultancy: Trade remedy measures
Trade remedy measures are trade policy tools. that allow governments to take remedial action against imports. Which are causing material injury to a domestic industry. Such remedies are divided broadly into:
- anti-dumping action.
- countervailing duty measures.
- safeguard action
These remedies are triggered, so that the response of different situations. and circumstances. they may be causing material injury. to a domestic industry. The domestic industry initiated the recourse to these tools. The World Trade Organization (WTO) Anti-Dumping Agreement explained the Article VI of General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT 1994) . it allows countries to take actions against imports from countries. therefore exporting at dumped prices.
International Trade Consultancy: Trade remedy measures, The WTO Subsidies and Countervailing Measures Agreement (the Subsidies Agreement) disciplines. the use of subsidies, which are generally permissible under GATT 1994 and the WTO Agreements. Safeguard action is “emergency action”.
Emergency “safeguard”
Emergency “safeguard” action may be taken. where a surge of imports causes or threatens to cause, serious material injury to a domestic industry. It allows a country to respond to unexpected and unforeseen increased imports which have caused serious material injury. Imports must be recent enough, sudden enough, sharp enough and significant enough.
The Department of Anti dumping (DOA) within the UAE Ministry of Economy (MOE) applies trade defense instruments/trade remedy measures in accordance with the National, regional and international relevant legal texts pertaining to anti dumping, countervailing and safeguards measures, as follows:
- The Federal Law No 7 of 2005 regarding the promulgation of the GCC Common Law on Anti dumping, countervailing and safeguards measures
- The Rules of implementation of the GCC Common Law on Anti dumping, countervailing and safeguards measures
- The Agreement on Anti dumping
- The Agreement on safeguards
- The Agreement on Subsidy and countervailing Measures
UAE producers of a particular product can make an anti dumping however a safeguard or a countervailing complaint to the DOA to initiate the appropriate investigation. In general, complainants should contact producers producing the like product to seek support before making a complaint. A complaint can be made about any imported product. therefore not about services.
International Trade Consultancy: Trade remedy measures, If a complaint is accepted, the investigation must be initiated. The investigation will determine. whether action should be taken in the form of imposition of an anti-dumping duty. countervailing duty or a safeguard measure.
United Arab Emirates is one of the major exporting country at times. and the subject of trade defense investigations initiated in third countries. In this case, experts may help the UAE industries to compete. better on international markets.
Unwarranted trade defense
Unwarranted trade defense measures unfairly block UAE exporters. free access to the world’s markets. and their negative impact should be minimized whenever possible.
Any exporting industry subject to a trade defense measure initiated by a third country is responsible for defending its rights throughout the proceedings and for cooperating with the investigating authorities to favor a positive outcome.
Our services:
Our trade remedy services include:
- Preparation of anti dumping/countervailing/safeguard cases on behalf of local industry and pursuing the same with the investigating authority.
- Representing importers before the investigating authority to safeguard their interest.
- Representing foreign exporters/producers before the investigating authority
- Representing UAE exporters/producers before the foreign investigating authority
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International Trade Consultancy: Trade remedy measures in Dubai UAE-United Arab Emirates.